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How to host your website for free on GitHub?

Nowadays everyone is moving towards the digital age where a digital footprint of your work or life creates a great impact on your image in society. Social Media is one of the most popular and easy ways to do so but is the thing that everyone does.

Nowadays everyone is moving towards the digital age where a digital footprint of your work or life creates a great impact on your image in society. Social Media is one of the most popular and easy ways to do so but is the thing that everyone does. Even a 14-year-old has an Instagram account and can potentially have 1000s of followers. So if you wanna stand out in this world then you should represent something that is very rare and shows talent while keeping the simplicity at its best. Owning a website looks like a very big task but it is a very simple one! You can get your website up and running in just a matter of minutes or I should say the blink of an eye. Let's take a technical look at this topic.

What is GitHub?

Github is a version-controlled cloud-based code-sharing platform in simple words you can share the project that you have made on your system with your whole world with just a click. There are more than 100 million repositories (your program is called repository) on the GitHub which makes this a must tool to have in your armory. Most of the open-source projects like React, Bootstrap, Axios and many more have their whole code on Git Hub which makes this platform a huge deal.

How to use GitHub to host your website?

First of all, you will need to have an email ID to use GitHub. Upon signing up for GitHub you will be directed to a page like this. As it will be a new account there will be no repo present.

Steps to create a new repo & host it to GitHub-

  1. Create a new repo and the name of that repo should be your username.
  2. Create a new file by clicking the create a new file icon as represented in the image
  3. Name the file as Index.html
  4. Copy and paste the code of your website that you have or you can use the boilerplate template like this.
  5. After that go to the settings tab and click Github Pages. A page like this will open as shown in the image.
  6. Then you have to select the main branch and then the root of your website which means where the code for your website is present.
  7. That's it! Now you can go to and your website will be accessible there.
Note - It can take up to 10 minutes for your website to change to come up your website.

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How to host your website for free on GitHub?
How to host your website for free on GitHub?

Nowadays everyone is moving towards the digital age where a digital footprint of your work or life creates a great impac...Click below to read more!